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We Also Offer Custom Tees!
Did you forget your Mother-In-Law's Birthday again?
Maybe you have a small business with employees in desperate need of matching uniforms. Have a big family trip or birthday party coming up?
Whatever the event, you're going to need some awesome matching shirts or a last-minute gift to get out of hot water.
Contact us at Approots@Outlook.com with order requests/concepts and we will provide you a free estimate and consultation.
We make all of our designs in house for a super fast turnaround time, whenever you are in a pinch.
Contact us for your free quote today!
Appalachian Roots
The designs for our clothing are inspired by the traditions and values of our Appalachian Heritage. Our mission is two - fold. We want to show the world how proud we are of our family roots, while at the same time serve as a medium to educate those unfamiliar with our culture. We created Appalachian Roots, because we wanted to preserve traditions and phrases that our friends and family in West Virginia use and have learned from their mothers and fathers. At Appalachian Roots, you will find clothing that will make you laugh, make you think, and just plain make ya wonder. As lifelong West Virginia Natives, our families can trace their roots to Appalachia going as far back as the Early 1700's. We have a deep admiration for the "country ways of the past" and often discuss the need for those traditions to be acknowledged, preserved, and even re-introduced in today's fast paced, click driven, Me-based society. The characteristics of Appalachia are hard work, faith, loyalty, love of family, kinship, independence, freedom, and helping those in need, all while having some fun. We think those are all admirable qualities and we bet you do too. So sit for a spell and take a gander at what we have to offer. Thank you for your support and please join us in learnin' the world about OUR Appalachian Roots.
Facts That You Didn't Know, You Didn't Know
The origin of this American nickname for mountain folk in the Ozarks and in Appalachia comes from Ulster. Ulster-Scottish (The often incorrectly labeled “Scots-Irish”) settlers in the hill-country of Appalachia brought their traditional music with them to the new world, and many of their songs and ballads dealt with William, Prince of Orange, who defeated the Catholic King James II of the Stuart family at the Battle of the Boyne, Ireland in 1690.
Supporters of King William were known as “Orangemen” and "Billy Boys" and their North American counterparts were soon referred to as "hill-billies". It is interesting to note that a traditional song of the Glasgow Rangers football club today begins with the line, "Hurrah! Hurrah! We are the Billy Boys!" and shares its tune with the famous American Civil War song, "Marching Through Georgia". There are many reports of Southern National Guard units being serenaded with this tune, much to their chagrin, upon arriving in the British Isles during the First and Second World Wars, as the tune is very popular with British and Commonwealth military bands!
The origins of this term are Scottish and refer to supporters of the National Covenant and The Solemn League and Covenant, or "Covenanters", largely Lowland Presbyterians, many of whom would flee Scotland for Ulster (Northern Ireland) during persecutions by the British Crown. The Covenanters of 1638 and 1641 signed the documents that stated that Scotland desired the Presbyterian form of church government and would not accept the Church of England as its official state church.. Many Covenanters signed in their own blood and wore red pieces of cloth around their necks as distinctive insignia; hence the term "Red neck", which became slang for a Scottish dissenter*. Since many Ulster-Scottish settlers in America (especially the South) were Presbyterian, the term was applied to them, and then, later, their Southern descendants. One of the earliest examples of its use comes from 1830, when an author noted that "red-neck" was a "name bestowed upon the Presbyterians."